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import {Button, PayButton, init, launchModal, launchPaymentModal, closeModal, requestProvider, Connect, SendPayment} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect-react';

// Initialize Bitcoin Connect
appName: "My Lightning App", // your app name

// render the Bitcoin Connect button
<Button onConnect={(provider) => {
const {preimage} = await provider.sendPayment("lnbc...");

// render a "Pay Now" button
// invoice can be unset initially - using the onClick function is a good time to fetch the invoice
// set the `payment` prop to override the payment status if a payment was made externally
<PayButton invoice={invoice} onClick={() => {
invoice = fetchInvoice();
}} onPaid={(response) => alert("Paid! " + response.preimage)} payment={{preimage: 'my-preimage'}}/>

// render the connect flow on its own without the modal

// render the send payment flow on its own without the modal (for E-Commerce flows)
// set the `payment` prop to override the payment status if a payment was made externally
<Payment invoice="lnbc..." onPaid={(response) => alert("Paid! " + response.preimage)} payment={{preimage: 'my-preimage'}}/>

// request a provider
<button onClick={() => {
// if no WebLN provider exists, it will launch the modal
const weblnProvider = await requestProvider();
const { preimage } = await weblnProvider.sendPayment("lnbc...")
Request WebLN provider

// open modal programmatically to connect a wallet
<button onClick={() => launchModal()}>
Programmatically launch modal

// open modal programmatically to pay an invoice (for one-off payments)
<button onClick={() => launchPaymentModal({invoice: "lnbc...", onPaid: ({preimage}) => alert("Paid: " + preimage)})}>
Programmatically launch payment modal

// close modal programmatically

NextJS / SSR

Make sure to only import and render the components client side. This can be done either by creating a wrapper component with using next/dynamic with ssr: false (and add the 'use client' directive when using the NextJS app router), or a dynamic import e.g.

"use client"
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const Button = dynamic(
() => import('@getalby/bitcoin-connect-react').then((mod) => mod.Button),
ssr: false,

// Render the Button normally

<Button />

// or to use the API:

onClick={async () => {
const launchModal = await import('@getalby/bitcoin-connect-react').then(
(mod) => mod.launchModal
Launch modal

// to set the global webln object:

useEffect(() => {
// init bitcoin connect to provide webln
const {onConnected} = await import('@getalby/bitcoin-connect-react').then(
(mod) => mod.onConnected
const unsub = onConnected((provider) => {
window.webln = provider;

return () => {
}, []);

See NextJS and NextJS legacy demos for full examples.