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🔗 Bitcoin Connect API

Initializing Bitcoin Connect

import {init} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect-react';

// Initialize Bitcoin Connect
appName: 'My Lightning App', // your app name
// filters: ["nwc"],
// showBalance: true,
// providerConfig: {
// nwc: {
// authorizationUrlOptions: {
// requestMethods: ['get_balance', 'make_invoice', 'lookup_invoice'],
// },
// },
// }
  • appName - Name of the app requesting access to wallet. Currently used for NWC connections (Alby and Mutiny)
  • filters - Filter the type of connectors you want to show. Example: "nwc" (only show NWC connectors).
  • showBalance - If false, do not request the connected wallet's balance
  • providerConfig - Experimental: add provider-specific configuration (for NWC, LNC, LNbits etc). Currently only nwc.authorizationUrlOptions is supported. NWCAuthorizationUrlOptions can be found in the Alby JS SDK.

Requesting a provider

With one line of code you can ensure you have a WebLN provider available and ready to use. If one is not available, the Bitcoin connect modal will be launched. This should be called on a user interaction to avoid the modal unexpectedly being shown to the user.

import {requestProvider} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const provider = await requestProvider();
await provider.sendPayment('lnbc...');

Programmatically launching the modal

The modal can then be launched with:

import {launchModal} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

launchModal(); // A `<bc-modal/>` element will be injected into the DOM

Programmatically launching the modal to receive a payment

To receive a payment the modal can be programmatically opened with:

import {launchPaymentModal} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const {setPaid} = launchPaymentModal({
invoice: 'lnbc...',
onPaid: (response) => {
alert('Received payment! ' + response.preimage);
onCancelled: () => {
alert('Payment cancelled');

// below is an example of LNURL-verify from
// you can write your own polling function to check if your invoice has been paid
// and then call the `setPaid` function.
const checkPaymentInterval = setInterval(async () => {
const paid = await invoice.verifyPayment();

if (paid && invoice.preimage) {
preimage: invoice.preimage,
}, 1000);

Note: for P2P payments made externally there is no way for Bitcoin Connect to know when the payment has happened. launchPaymentModal is more for simplifying e-commerce usecases where you are able to check the invoice yourself.

Programmatically closing the modal

import {closeModal} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';


Disconnect from wallet

import {disconnect} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';


Get connector config

Returns the saved configuration of the currently-connected connector (if connected)

import {getConnectorConfig} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const connectorConfig = getConnectorConfig();
if (connectorConfig) {
// can now access e.g. connectorConfig.connectorName



This event fires when a WebLN provider is made available.

  • When a user connects for the first time
  • On page reload when a user has previously connected
import {onConnected} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const unsub = onConnected(async (provider) => {
const {preimage} = await provider.sendPayment('lnbc...');


This event fires when a WebLN provider is initializing.

  • When a user connects for the first time
  • On page reload when a user has previously connected
import {onConnecting} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const unsub = onConnecting(async () => {
// do something...


This event fires when the user manually disconnects from Bitcoin Connect.

import {onDisconnected} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const unsub = onDisconnected(async () => {
// do something...


This event fires when the Bitcoin Connect modal opens.

import {onModalOpened} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const unsub = onModalOpened(async () => {
// do something...


This event fires when the Bitcoin Connect modal closes.

import {onModalClosed} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

const unsub = onModalClosed(async () => {
// do something...

WebLN global object

WARNING: webln is no longer injected into the window object by default. If you need this, execute the following code:

import {onConnected} from '@getalby/bitcoin-connect';

onConnected((provider) => {
window.webln = provider;

More methods coming soon. Is something missing that you'd need? let us know!

WebLN events

Providers also should fire a webln:connected event. See


These variables must be set at the root or on a container element wrapping any bitcoin connect components.

html {
--bc-color-brand: #196ce7; /* Only 6-digit hex and rgb formats are supported! */

Optional CSS variables for further customization:

html {
--bc-color-brand-dark: #3994ff; /* use a different brand color in dark mode */
--bc-brand-mix: 100%; /* how much to mix the brand color with default foreground color */

💡 using near-white or black brand colors? either set a lower bc-brand-mix or make sure to use an off-white for bc-color-brand and off-black for bc-color-brand-dark to avoid conflicts with the modal background color.

Dark mode

Bitcoin Connect uses prefers-color-scheme to automatically detect light/dark mode.


In case your site uses a manual theme switcher, you can force a theme by following these steps:

see an example here

  1. set globalThis.bcDarkMode = "class" before any bitcoin connect components are rendered
  2. "dark" must be added as a classname to the document to enable dark mode (e.g. <html class="dark"> or document.documentElement.classList.add('dark')) otherwise light mode will be forced.

Access to underlying providers (NWC, LNC etc.)

import { WebLNProviders, requestProvider } from "@getalby/bitcoin-connect";

const provider = await requestProvider();

if (provider instanceof WebLNProviders.NostrWebLNProvider) {

if (provider instanceof WebLNProviders.LNCWebLNProvider) {

if (provider instanceof WebLNProviders.LnbitsWebLNProvider) {
provider.requestLnbits('GET', '/api/v1/wallet');